正则长波方程(Regularized long wave equation)是一个非线性偏微分方程:[1]
当 α=1,μ=1,正则长波方程即本杰明-博纳-马奥尼方程。
- ^ Griffith, chapter 13, p239-260
- Graham W. Griffiths William E.Shiesser Traveling Wave Analysis of Partial Differential p135 Equations Academy Press
- Richard H. Enns George C. McCGuire, Nonlinear Physics Birkhauser,1997
- Inna Shingareva, Carlos Lizárraga-Celaya,Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Maple Springer.
- Eryk Infeld and George Rowlands,Nonlinear Waves,Solitons and Chaos,Cambridge 2000
- Saber Elaydi,An Introduction to Difference Equationns, Springer 2000
- Dongming Wang, Elimination Practice,Imperial College Press 2004
- David Betounes, Partial Differential Equations for Computational Science: With Maple and Vector Analysis Springer, 1998 ISBN 9780387983004
- George Articolo Partial Differential Equations & Boundary Value Problems with Maple V Academic Press 1998 ISBN 9780120644759